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深国交Neil Mobsby院长致深国交全体学生及家长的一封信

14540 人参与  2020年02月12日 14:07  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

Dear students and parents,


We have now completed the first day of online learning, and many successful learning activities have taken place. However, some of the activities did not work well in the online system and we are looking at how to make improvements to ensure you are not being disadvantaged and that you learn all that you need to, to be able to achieve great success. Our teachers have been instructed to prepare the online learning so that it consists of good learning activities for the classes. And also, to include direct feedback and interaction between teachers and students. It’s this interaction that ensures that the students have learnt what’s required in each session. Some of these interactions can be achieved through forums, WeChat, or through OneNote or Teams, as an alternative to face to face contact. Of course, you must provide the required feedback to the teacher in each session.目前我们已经完成了第一天的在线学习,成功开展了许多学习活动。然而,有些活动在线上系统中并没能很好地运行,我们正在研究如何进行改进,以确保你们可以最大程度地利用好资源,并学习到所需要的知识。我们已经指导老师准备好网上课程,确保班级网络学习活动顺利开展,同时也确保师生之间的直接反馈和互动。其中一些互动可以通过论坛、微信或微软中的OneNote或Teams来实现,作为目前阶段暂时无法面对面交流的替代方式。当然,你还必须在每节课上向老师提供必要的反馈。

深国交Neil Mobsby院长致深国交全体学生及家长的一封信  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第1张

经济学老师Delma Duddy正在准备线上授

深国交Neil Mobsby院长致深国交全体学生及家长的一封信  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第2张

物理老师John Marques线上授课In addition, we are preparing sessions including video elements, using zoom and teams, which will enable real time communication with the teacher. These sessions would supplement and reinforce the learning activities of each session. Please note, these video elements will not necessarily apply to every single session and are not merely video of teacher lecturing. In some cases, the forums for posting comments may be more applicable as they enable the teacher to provide written feedback and comments after the end of session. In all cases, the teacher will use CMS to email you the instruction of how to access the online learning so that you can always check back for the details.此外,我们正准备使用ZoomTeams来开展具备视频元素的课程章节,以实现与老师的实时交流。这些课程将补充和加强每节课的学习活动。请注意,这些视频不一定适用于每节课,也不仅仅是老师讲课的视频。某些情况下,可以发布评论的论坛可能更适用于目前的情况,因为老师可以在课程结束后提供书面反馈和评论。无论哪种形式,老师都将通过CMS电子邮件向你发送有关如何访问在线课程的说明,以便你随时可以查看详细信息。深国交Neil Mobsby院长致深国交全体学生及家长的一封信  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第3张

文史老师Margaret Deng线上授课

深国交Neil Mobsby院长致深国交全体学生及家长的一封信  学在国交 深圳国际交流学院 深国交 第4张

经济学老师Chloe Tan线上授课

As you know, we are all uncertain exactly how long the current situation will last, so I hope you will bear with us as we make these refinements and improvements to our online learning, and as we update all of our teachers the usage and operation of these systems.  We will continue to monitor and assess the quality of the online learning for you. Please contact SAO if you have any questions. 


Neil Mobsby院长


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