English Version
The China International School Competitiveness Ranking·2019 is announced officially by Kinglead on Dec 3rd, 2019, and the ranking has been released for two consecutive years.
The ranking is based on publicly available data and utilizes quantitative model and compositive weighted score to reflect international schools' comprehensive competitiveness from three core dimensions : international certification, faculty, and enrollment to universities.
Due to the differences between U.S. universities and U.K. universities in selecting and evaluating students, this year, the data of enrollment to universities is divided into U.S. undergraduate part and U.K. undergraduate part.
Kinglead, as an advanced high-end platform of international education recourses and services, has conducted continuous and in-depth researching and analysis on the competitiveness of Chinese international schools, aiming at digging into the characteristics of international schools, optimizing evaluation standards and promoting the upgrading of the industry.
Research Object
The schools in China mainland which applies international high school courses and whose students are aiming at entering overseas universities.
Data Sources
All of the data is collected from public resources,and there are 1257 official websites of international schools, 227 official WeChat Subscription of international schools, 4 official websites of the examinations authority, and 7 official websites of the international education accreditation agencies are inquired.
The main data sources are as follows:
the official website of IBO
the official website of CIE
the official website of Edexcel
the official website of CollegeBoard
the official website of NCCT
the official website of NEASC
the official website of CIS
the official website of WASC
the official website of ACAMIS
the official website of EARCOS
the official website of FOBISIA
official website & WeChat Subscription of international schools
database of Kinglead
Enrollment to U.S. Universities
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