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深国交2022年新一届SLB(Student Leadership Body)成员来报道啦!

10889 人参与  2022年06月20日 18:04  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

SELT是Student Leadership Body最核心的小组,由四个A2学生组成。


 1. 发出有关学生的重要信息,帮助学生了解学校近期活动和决定。 

 2. 整理并汇总从Student Council部门收集的学生意见。 

 3. 定期与校领导、学生团体召开会议,并且与意见代表交流,确保学生的意见得到充分的考虑。 

 4. 审批重要学生活动申请,组织跨division的会议,以确保Student Leadership Body间合作顺利进行 5. 作为Student Leadership Body系统的领导者,在学校场合代表学生进行发言。

大家好,我们是SCIE Student Leadership Body的senior们!Student Leadership Body(简称SLB) 是学校的官方学生组织,

由Student Executive Leadership Team

(简称SELT), Chair of division 和 prefects 组成。

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Student Council, Anti-sexual harrassment和Sports Division

如果你有任何困难、建议、想法或者意见,欢迎你来找我们呀~ We are always here for you!

深国交2022年新一届SLB(Student Leadership Body)成员来报道啦!  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 Winnie 学在国交 第4张


负责 Events和House Division


Hi, I am Scarlett. It’s my honor to be one of the SELT members. I sincerely hope that we can work together to communicate and solve problems. Let’s make SCIE a better place!

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负责 ECA/Peer Support/Service Learning

Hello大家好!我是Sophia吴亚萱,主要负责ECA、Peer Support和Service Learning部门。在未来的一年我们SLB将推陈出新,竭诚为大家服务,合力创造美好的校园回忆。如果同学们有任何相关的问题和建议,欢迎来联系我!

Hi, I’m Sophia Wu from SELT, and I’m responsible for the ECA division, Peer Support division and Service Learning division. This year, I hope we can bring forth new ideas, support every student, and create joyous campus memories together. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or feedback about our school life.

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负责 Communication&Media/Residential

我是Haoyu,今年很荣幸可以作为SELT与SLB一起为大家带来更加舒适和便利的校园生活。It is my honor this year to serve as the SELT for 2022-23. We will try our best to improve the experience of students at SCIE


Chair IntroPROFILE

在 SELT的组织下,Student Leadership Body由9个division组成,各由Chair和Deputy Chair带领并管理。Division的业务覆盖了学生活动、比赛、生活,宣传等广泛的领域,旨在向学生们提供更丰富有趣的活动和便利的生活。

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Communication and Media Devision





海报校内的形象管理和宣传-宣传片 视频 logo


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Hellooo大家好 希望这一年可以和大家一起努力创造更棒的校园生活 欢迎大家随时来找我们玩 we are always here for you! 

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Deputy Chair: Christina游婉婷

Hi大家好,我是Christina游婉婷。很荣幸能在今年成为Communication&Media的deputy chair!希望未来一年可以给大家带来更好的校园体验,一起积极沟通解决各种问题~

Events Devision


大家好!这里是Events Division!
Events division主要负责的活动有国交达人秀,新年晚会,万圣夜,美食节等。在今年,我们将尝试加入更多的大型活动,尤其是可以让所有同学都有机会体验的活动!


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大家好我是Victoria!很荣幸在新的一学年以Events chair的身份和大家见面。希望Events Divison可以给大家带来更好的活动和体验~同时也欢迎对组织活动感兴趣的你加入这个大家庭:)

Hi, I’m Victoria. I hope Events Division can bring better activities and experience for everyone. We welcome anyone who is good in organizing to join us!

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Deputy Chair: Cathy丁相妃

Hello 大家好~ 这里是 Cathy 丁相妃。很荣幸可以成为events的deputy chair!希望今年可以给大家带来更多解压好玩的活动!同时,非常欢迎对策划准备活动感兴趣的同学加入events哦

Hiii! This is Cathy Ding. It's my great honor to become the Deputy Chair of Events Division! We are aiming to hold more relaxing and fun activities for SCIEers. If you are interested in the process of organizing activities, you are more than welcome to join us! Please reach out to us!

Service Learning Devision



1. Events Team


2.  Publicity Team



3. Secretary Team






Activity Prospect:

1.  Charity week

2. Mental Health week

3. New activities emerging~

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大家好!我是杨景月,今年的Service Learning Chair。我希望能尽自己最大的努力胜任这项工作,收集更多的想法,完善更多的活动细节,把深国交学生与社区联系起来。希望能够组织更多大家感兴趣并有意义的慈善活动~^_^

Hello! My name is Catherine and I am the Service Learning Chair. Service Leaning integrates volunteerism, community engagement, experiential practice, and interdisciplinary academic study. By planning, implementing and reflecting on their service experience, students can gain academic knowledge and personal development. Service Learning projects enrich the learning experience, teach students responsibility, and connect SCIE students with the community.

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Deputy Chair: Felix邝泉水

Hello 大家好,我是邝泉水!很荣幸能够在今年担任Service Learning Division的Deputy Chair,希望能够和大家一起努力工作服务深国交这个紧密的社区,同时给大家尽力带来更多的社区服务、公益活动的机会,在新的一年里做出更多对社区的贡献,也在其中have fun~


Hey everyone this is Felix Kuang! It is a great honour for me to hold the position of Deputy Chair this year in Service Learning division. I wish that in the following year I can work with you all to serve the SCIE community, as well as trying to bring more community service and charity work opportunities to students. I hope that we can all enjoy ourselves and have fun in the activities and our contribution in our community. :)

Residential Devision








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Hiiiii! 这里是Cecily,如果在学校住宿的过程中遇到问题或者有相关的建议,欢迎大家来找我!

Hiiiii! I am Cecily. Feel free to come and contact me if you have any problems or suggestions about SCIE's residence.

House Devision


  1.  规划house system发展路线

  2.  制定、组织与监管每周三house赛的进行

  3.  协助举办camping和sportsday等大型活动

  4. 定期放送house赛战报与视频

  5.  作为四个houses之间交流的桥梁并向国交学生宣扬house精神

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Hiiii this is Logan. I’m super honored to be able to run the house division in SCIE. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Cheers!

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Deputy Chair: Tanya马添玙

大家好,我叫Tanya马添玙,是一名准A2学生。很荣幸今年能成为house division的deputy chair。我是一名疯狂的体育爱好者,基本上所有的体育house赛赛场上都能见到我的身影/doge。希望新的一个学年能和大家一起把house division做得更好!

Hello everyone, my name is Tanya and I'm going to become an A2 student in the upcoming school year. It's my honor to be the deputy chair of house division this year. I'm a crazy sports lover and have taken part in nearly every sports house events in the past three years. Hope that we can work together to make house division better this year!

Student Council Devision






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hihi大家好,我是Agnes孙雅涵,很高兴可以当选接下来一学年student council的chair💖by students, for students, we are here to enhance your voice:)) 关于学校生活的一切问题do not hesitate to contact us!

深国交2022年新一届SLB(Student Leadership Body)成员来报道啦!  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 Winnie 学在国交 第18张

Deputy Chair: Audrey孙诚远

Hiii 大家好! 这里是 Audrey 孙诚远, 很荣幸能担任22-23 student council 的 deputy chair。希望今年的sc可以一如既往的帮助大家更好的去与学校协商,解决大家的问题!Hi, this is Audrey and I’m the new deputy chair of the student council. This year, I hope the SC division can better assist students in communication and solving problems. Please feel free to contact me with any questions related to our school. Let’s make SCIE great again!

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Deputy Chair: Annie赵怡然

负责Student Council anti-harassment/bullying committee

The anti-harassment committee is a new committee under student council, an introduction will be sent soon.

hai this is annie :)

很荣幸能见证asb的诞生!No matter what you've been through, you're always welcomed here. We are always here for you♡

ECA Devision


大家好,这里是ECA Division~ 



-举办ECA Fair






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Hello大家好,这里是ECA Division。我们负责帮助及管理所有校内社团。


Our work generally includes examination and approval of ECA’s establishment/funding/events application, providing platform/site/and other help which is necessary for ECAs, and regulating ECAs to ensure all SCIE ECAs run compliantly and effectively.

Sports Devision


Sports Division由战报部、综合部、宣传部和裁判部等部门组成,新学年里,我们将定期推出专业严谨的战报、参与一切体育house赛的裁判培训和吹罚工作,并且最重要的是,帮助承办我校一年一度的运动会。大家敬请期待哦!!!

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Hi大家好 这里是Juliet~ 很荣幸当选sports division的chair,希望接下来我们sports division可以用热情打动大家 多多参与到学校的sports events中来!

Hii~ I’m Juliet, chair of sports. I’ll lead my team holding sports events in the new semester. We’ll improve the provision of sports to encourage participation, and we are looking forward for you to join

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Deputy Chair: Francis李飞扬

我是sports division的deputy chair ,Francis。同时参加足球校队与sports division使我更好融入集体,了解大家的对体育运动的兴趣和想法。体育部是一个充满集体荣誉与归属感的部门, 希望我们能把体育的魅力带给每一个学生。


I am the deputy chair of the sports division, Francis. Participating in the varsity football team and the sports division at the same time helped me better integrate into the group and understand everyone's interests and thoughts on sports. The Sports division is a department full of collective honor and sense of belonging. We hope we can bring the charm of sports to every student

Peer Support Devision


今年,Peer Support Division将会带着希望和热忱,陪伴大家度过有甜亦有苦的日子。作为学长、学姐,我们也曾经历过你可能正在经历的困惑、孤独,甚至是无助,却找不到倾诉的出口。因此,Peer Support Division将会尽最大的努力,帮助大家化解生活中和学业上的困难,不论大小。

如果你希望进一步了解Peer Support Division,或者想要成为我们的一员,我们都非常欢迎你以邮件的形式联系我们,或者通过SCIE Prefect的微信公众号关注我们的动态。愿这份邀请函可以召集到所有善良、真挚的人们,也愿Peer Support Division能与你共同谱写最温暖的故事。

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Hello大家好,我是Shirley邱诗敏~希望在接下来的一年里Peer Support能给大家带来更多学业及生活上的帮助。大家有任何关于Peer Support的讨论和问题都欢迎来找我聊聊:)

Hi all, I am Shirley Qiu. As the chair of Peer Support division, we will dedicate in providing more caring support from both academic and mental aspect. Feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about Peer Support! :)

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Deputy Chair: Ethan孙天烨

大家好, 我是Ethan,很荣幸可以成为下一个学年Peer Support的Deputy Chair。Peer Support会尽我们的所能,帮助同学解决生活中和学业上遇到的各种困难:)

Hey what’s up, my name’s Ethan. I’m really honoured to be elected as the deputy chair of peer support and excited to begin working with this amazing group of student leaders. The peer support division will do everything we can to help students in SCIE tackle problems they face both academically and socially :)

图文|Communication & Media




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Student Leadership Body


本篇文章来源于微信公众号:SCIE SLB



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