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36159 人参与  2020年06月29日 07:11  分类 : 英国相关  评论

9.European and Middle Eastern Languages 欧洲和中东语言


This course in European and Middle Eastern Languages (EMEL) enables students to combine papers in one of the languages taught in the Faculty of Modern Languages with papers in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian or Turkish, providing opportunities to take advantage of the cultural links which exist between a number of European and Middle Eastern languages. 

For example, appropriate combinations might well be French and Arabic, German and Turkish, or Hebrew and Russian, but even some of the less obvious pairings would provide similar cultural and historical linkage. 

So, Spanish and Turkish would be an interesting combination for the history of Sephardi Judaism, while Persian and Portuguese are important for the study of early imperialism.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求:European language

要参加牛津的两门考试:Modern Languages Admissions Tests (MLAT) 和 Oriental Languages Aptitude Test (OLAT)

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10.Fine Art | 视觉艺术


Fine Art is the making and study of visual art.

It educates and prepares students to become artists and to follow other practices that are aligned to the making of art. 

The curriculum is centred on the individual student’s potential and imagination.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求:Art Foundation course(必选)or History

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11.Geography | 地理


Geography is a diverse discipline that bridges the arts and social and natural sciences, providing a broad education and addressing pressing issues including environmental change, regional and global inequalities and the transformation of global economy and culture. 

Students obtain a coherent view of the rapidly changing world and the ways in which society influences and is influenced by it.


A-levels: A*AA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


PS 牛津大学地理学学位侧重于社会和物理和人类环境之间的相互关系,是一门跨学科的课程,你可以了解到如人类学、社会学、历史、政治学、经济学、地球科学和生物学和地理之间的联系,而且牛津大学有最好的设施,比如拉德克利夫科学图书馆(RSL),有最全的地理书籍,还有电子期刊,你也可以进行很棒的地质实验,不仅仅是理论,还非常侧重实践

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12.History |历史 (North American, Latin American, Asian and African )


The study of History at Oxford combines the examination of large regions over extended periods of time with more focused work on smaller groups, shorter periods and particular problems. 

It provides a distinctive education by developing an awareness of differing political, cultural, social and economic structures in past societies and their interrelationship. It combines vigorous debate over questions of interpretation with rigorous attention to the source materials. 

Its constant enrichment by cross-fertilisation from other disciplines leads to new questions about the past.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求: History(必选)

参加牛津考试:History Aptitude Test (HAT)

13.History (Ancient and Modern)


This course enables students to study history from the Bronze Age Mediterranean and Near East, through the Roman Empire, middle ages and early modern period, right up to British, European and world history in the present day. 

Fruitful comparisons between societies abound, and the methods by which we study them are mutually illuminating.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


参加牛津考试:History Aptitude Test (HAT)

14.History and English | 历史与英语

Historical documents are just as much ‘texts’ as are poems, plays or novels, and are therefore subject to interpretation as works of narrative, rhetoric and, fundamentally, language. 

Equally, it is assumed that poems, plays and novels represent historically grounded ways of interpreting a culture.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


English Literature,  English LanguageLiteratureHistory之二

参加牛津考试:History Aptitude Test (HAT)

15.History and Modern Languages | 历史与现代语言

In recent years history has experienced a ‘linguistic turn’ while literary studies have undergone a ‘historical turn’, making this combination of subjects stronger than ever. 

Knowledge of the past contextualises literary artefacts, while the forensic literary skills of the linguist are vital for interrogating historical documents. 

Historians have to be aware of genre, plot and rhetorical techniques in the creation both of their sources and their own arguments, while linguists need to appreciate the social and political concerns that are woven into literary works. This degree brings these two skill sets together.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求:History 或者一门语言课

参加牛津考试:History Aptitude Test (HAT)

PS 如果你对文物上的语言感兴趣,那么这门课非常适合你

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16.History and Politics | 历史和政治

The History and Politics course aims to bring together complementary but separate disciplines to form a coherent and stimulating programme. 

The degree not only enables students to set contemporary political problems in their historical perspective, but also equips them to approach the study of the past with the conceptual rigour derived from political science.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


HistorySociology ,Politics任选

参加牛津考试:History Aptitude Test (HAT)

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