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36149 人参与  2020年06月29日 07:11  分类 : 英国相关  评论

17.History of Art | 艺术史

History of Art aims to arrive at an historical understanding of the origins, meaning and purpose of artefacts from a wide range of world cultures, asking about the circumstances of their making, their makers, the media used, the functions of the images and objects, their critical reception and – not least – their subsequent history. 

As well as educating students in the historical interpretation of art in its cultural contexts, a degree in History of Art provides skills in the critical analysis of objects through the cultivation of visual literacy. 

The acquired skills have broad applicability in a wide range of professional settings, as well as serving the needs of enduring personal enlightenment.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


essay-based subject,Fine Art, History, English or a language can be helpful

【英国】盘点牛津大学26个不要求数学成绩的专业  数据 牛津大学 第10张

18.Human Sciences | 人类科学


Human Sciences is a diverse discipline which enables students to study the biological, social and cultural aspects of human life, and provides a challenging alternative to some of the more traditional courses offered at Oxford. 

The school was founded in 1969 in recognition of the need for interdisciplinary understanding of fundamental issues and problems confronting contemporary societies. 

Central topics include the evolution of humans and their behaviour, molecular and population genetics, population growth and ageing, ethnic and cultural diversity and the human interaction with the environment, including conservation, disease and nutrition. 

The study of both biological and social disciplines, integrated within a framework of human diversity and sustainability, should enable the human scientist to develop professional competencies suited to address such multidimensional human problems.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


Biology or Mathematics

参加牛津考试:Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA)

PS 这门课是牛津历史非常悠久的课程了,除了日常的学习,还有很多学术交流和餐会。

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19. Law (Jurisprudence) 法学

Studying law will not only give you the opportunity to qualify as a solicitor or barrister: 

it will also help you develop a diverse set of skills which you will be able to apply in many different situations. 

You will learn to assimilate and analyse complex information, construct arguments, write with precision and clarity, and think on your feet.

The Oxford Law degree aims to develop all these skills, but its particular strength is in teaching you to think for yourself. 

Students are expected to read a good deal, mostly from primary sources, and to develop views not simply about what the law is, but also about why it is so, whether it should be so, and how it might be different.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


但是要参加牛津的考试:Law National Admissions Test (LNAT)

PS 法学在国内也是比较受欢迎的专业,不过因为英国的法律和国内不同,所以如果以后要回国的话,还是推荐学习国际法相关

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20.Modern Languages 现代语言(欧洲


Czech (with Slovak), French, German, Modern Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish Studying Modern Languages provides both practical training in written and spoken language and also an extensive introduction to European literature and thought. 

As well as learning to write and speak the language(s) fluently, you can study a broad range of literature, or focus your studies on any period from the medieval to the present day. 

A wide range of other options allow you to explore subjects including linguistics, philology, film studies or (in French and German) advanced translation.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


要参加牛津的考试:Modern Languages Admissions Test (MLAT)

21.Modern Languages and Linguistics | 现代语言和语言学


This course allows students to study one modern language in depth together with Linguistics, the study of language itself. 

Part of your course will consist of developing your practical language skills to a high level, and you will engage with the literature and culture associated with the language (see Modern Languages).


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


English Language,Mathematics, a science or any other language may be useful

需要参加牛津的考试:Modern Languages Admissions Tests (MLAT)

22.Oriental Studies 东方文化研究


Arabic, Chinese, Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Hebrew Studies, Japanese, Jewish Studies, Persian, Sanskrit, Turkish.

Among subjects in the humanities, Oriental Studies is unique in introducing students to civilisations that are different from the Western ones that form the basis of the curriculum in most British schools and colleges. 

The courses present both the major traditions of the regions studied and, in most cases, their modern developments. 

All courses include language, literature, history and culture and there is a wide range of options in such fields as art and archaeology, history, literature, philosophy, religion and modern social studies.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


参加牛津的考试:Oriental Languages Aptitude Test (OLAT)

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23.Philosophy and Modern Languages 哲学和现代语言

Philosophy and Modern Languages brings together some of the most important approaches to understanding language, literature and ideas.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB


参加牛津的考试:Modern Languages Admissions Tests (MLAT)

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24.Philosophy and Theology | 哲学和神学

Philosophy and Theology brings together some of the most important approaches to understanding and assessing the intellectual claims of religion.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求:essay writing能力

参加牛津的Philosophy Test

25.Religion and Oriental Studies | 宗教和东方研究


The course in Religion and Oriental Studies enables you to learn in depth about a number of the world’s great religious traditions including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. 

To engage with all the different aspects of the course, you have to be something of a historian and a philosopher, a textual and literary critic, and a linguist. 

These disciplines together, not only enable students to appreciate the qualities of religions that can be radically different from those in Western societies, but also equip graduates to embark on a wide range of careers.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求:essay writing能力Oriental Language

参加牛津的 Oriental Languages Aptitude Test (OLAT)

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26.Theology and Religion | 神学和宗教


Theology is an ancient intellectual discipline with continuing and momentous social significance around the world today. Students gain an understanding of the intellectual underpinning of religious traditions, and of the social and cultural contexts for religious belief and practice. In order to engage fully with the questions raised by the critical study of Theology and Religion you will be required to become something of a historian and a philosopher, a textual and literary critic, and a linguist. The ability to employ these disciplines effectively will not only make you a scholar of religion but equip you to embark on a wide range of careers.


A-levels: AAA

Advanced Highers: AA/AAB

学科要求:essay writing能力


本篇文章来源于微信公众号:  CrazyAlevel



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